Of all the things you will ever own nothing comes close in value to your own body. Saying that “14 billion dollars couldn’t save Steve Jobs’ life” helps put that value in perspective, gives us a glimpse at the discrepancy …

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It is impossible to put a dollar amount on human health versus being ill. What we do know is that our experience of life, reality and the world changes completely as our energy levels change and as our health fades. …

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Our digestive system evolved over hundreds of generations to mechanically and chemically process for, and extract dozens of ingredients necessary for our survival and eliminate what it doesn’t need. This system is so complex and sophisticated that modern science still …

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Our bodies are extremely complex, resilient creations. They adapt quickly and can survive under most challenging physical and emotional circumstances. This can make it hard to tell when we’re damaging them, sometimes until it is too late. In addition to …

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Every living thing sleeps and the fact that our science hasn’t issued a clear guidance as to how much is needed doesn’t mean that we can get away with less than what our body demands. You can’t tell your body …

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Chinese say “in the body, there is either ease or dis-ease” and the fact that in English language disease is a synonym for illness shows that western civilization used to know this too. Prolonged exposure to stress has devastating effects …

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